Managing the Sales Process

December 2nd, 2019 by

You need to plan a strategic approach to managing the sales process.

Sure, we all want to close the sale. Sometimes, we’re concerned that we want them to sign on the dotted line before they change their minds.

But the truth of the matter is that people don’t want to feel that they’re being rushed. Don’t get stuck in the routine of speeding through the sales process. You don’t need to launch right into explaining the features of your product or service.

Instead, go with relationship-building. That’s what I am referring to when I talk about managing the sales process.

Ask about your prospect’s day. Start a conversation. Take the time to understand how they’re doing. Ask them what prompted them to call or stop into your showroom. When you put them at ease, they appreciate the fact that you’re human. This allows you to ask more questions about their interests and needs.

Once you know a little bit about what they want, then you can launch. Now you can explain the benefits of your product as it best matches their needs.

Notice that I did not say the features of your product. I said benefits. When we sell, we are selling benefits.

Features vs Benefits

Features are defined as surface statements about your product, such as what it can do, its dimensions and specs and so on. Benefits, by definition, show the end result of what a product can actually accomplish for the user. Wikipedia calls this a value proposition.

Just because you know why your product will make your ideal customer’s life better doesn’t mean they do. That’s why you need to manage the selling process. You need to give yourself the time to assess your customer’s needs.  Your job is to convince them that you are providing something that benefits them that they can’t get from anyone else. This is your competitive advantage.

The difference between simply explaining the features and strategically managing the sales process is what separates the average salesperson from the big closers.

