Dataman Group’s Marketing Prescreen Score Targets Low Risk Businesses
You can locate new prospects with good credit using our Credit Based business lists.
Each business in our Database has a Marketing Prescreen score developed by Dun & Bradstreet. This score predicts the likelihood of a firm paying in a severely delinquent manner. To be specific, a severely delinquent manner is defined as 90+ days past terms. For most offers, these are companies you want to avoid.
Risk Modeling
D&B calculates these scores using very sophisticated statistical models. Additionally, the most recent payment information in D&B’s commercial database is included in the formula. This makes the data very current. As a result of using this scoring system, we can identify a company as:
- High Risk
- Medium Risk
- Low Risk
Our credit based business lists offer you a cost-effective way to eliminate the riskiest prospects from your marketing campaigns. Let’s face it, you want to make the most of your marketing dollars. When you use prescreening to reduce risk, you will increase your ROI. Additionally, as a result of fine-tuning your marketing list, you will improve salesperson effectiveness. These are best practices in any economy.
Advantages of Credit based Business Lists
- Let’s you identify and act on opportunities once unstable companies change direction
- You can avoid doing business with companies that are a financial risk
- Improves your productivity. This is because you are focusing on the best prospects for profitability