Our business owners lists for insurance agents target the right kind of business owners for insurance prospecting.
Many small business owners realize that their business would be in jeopardy if they, one of their fellow owners or a key employee died. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses aren’t covered. According to Next Insurance, 44% of small business owners have never purchased business insurance, even after operating for at least one year. By purchasing the right types of business insurance, a business – and it’s owner – can protect their company’s assets against damage and legal claims.
The 9 Essential Types of Small Business Insurance
- Workers Compensation Insurance (Required)
- Unemployment Compensation Insurance (Required)
- Disability Insurance (Required in Some States)
- General Liability Insurance
- Commercial Property Insurance
- Professional Liability Insurance Insurance
- Product Liability Insurance
- Employment Practices Liability Insurance
- Key Person Insurance
Many small business owners give up on purchasing business insurance because of how confusing the process can be. However, they are a lucrative target market for insurance agents who want to increase their books.