Our Occupation Database lets you target your prospects by their job.
Occupation communicates much about lifestyle, interests, and values. It affects leisure, consumption, habits, dwelling place, and many other aspects of our way of life. You can fine-tune your targeting efforts by combining our Occupation Database information with other demographics such as household make-up, age, income, and the presence of children. Select working mothers, single parent professionals, young affluent professionals, or executives nearing retirement, just to name a few options.
Occupation data is compiled from state licenses as well as self-reported consumer information from product registration cards.
We also offer a complete Nurses Database, compiled from state license information, as a standalone file, where you can select between Registered Nurses, LPNs, and Certified Nurse Assistants. Additional selects on the file include age and state of license.
Information on this file is reported by two or more sources.