We are here to help you increase donations to your agency. We work with non-profits all over the United States.

Top Response Mailing Lists

  1. Donor Lists. Customize your prospects by age, income, gender, as well as # of times they have contributed.
  2. Behavior Bank. Refine your prospects by donor interest as well as age & income characteristics.
  3. New Homeowners. Brand new to your market, New Homeowners are a fabulous prospect group for local organizations.
  4. Golden Homeowners. This top donor prospect group can round out your fundraising campaign prospect list.

Strategies & Tactics for Successful Non-Profit Direct Marketing

  1. Using Direct Mail for Stewardship – (February, 2020)
  2. Year-End Appeal Tips – (September, 2019)
  3. Creating Compelling Success Stories to Engage Donors & Prospects – (November 2018)
  4. Using Direct Mail to Build Awareness – First Hugs – (September 2018)
  5. Prevent Your Donors from Getting Compassion Fatigue – (September, 2017)
  6. Does Your Non-Profit Agency Have a Crisis Marketing Plan?  – (August, 2016)
  7. Telefundraising – Non-profits Need to Explore Every Marketing Channel – (July, 2015)
  8. Donor Retention – Charities Lost 103 Donors for Every 100 They Gained in 2014 – (October 2015)
  9. Direct Mail Still Delivers The Dollars   –  (Jan 2014)
  10. The Top 8 Pitfalls of Direct Mail Fundraising  –  (March 2013)
  11. Case Study from the ASPCA – (Jan 2013)
  12. Proven Strategies to Increase Direct Mail Fundraising – (August 2011)
  13. Is Direct Mail Right for your Fund-Raising Organization? – (updated March, 2020)
  14. 10 Tips for Raising Money in Tough Economic Times – (reprinted from FundRaising Success Magazine)
  15. Overview of Direct Mail in the Non-Profit World – (presented at Florida Direct Marketing Association)
  16. Generational Marketing
  17. Church Outreach Program –
  18. Generational Marketing for Fund Raising Success – (May 2008)
  19. 45 Easy Ways to Cultivate High Value Donors – (reprinted from FundRaising Success Magazine)
  20. Tips for Maintaining Donor E-Mail Addresses – (March 2009)

DataDale’s Mailing Tips for Non-Profits

Let’s be honest. Non-profit agencies rely on volunteers who are not professionals in the Direct Mail world. Because of this, mistakes sometimes occur that can easily be prevented. Some of these errors are as simple-to-avoid. For example, using the right paper stock or making sure that sizing meets USPS guidelines. Click here to download DataDale’s FREE USPS Primer for non-profits.

Discretionary Spending Index

The discretionary spend index is a highly targeted overlay. Consequently, your non-profit can target individuals who not only have a high income. But also a willingness to spend it. Many national mailers are using this to narrow down their list count. This way you can reach out to individuals who are willing to write the check.

For additional information, please call our office at (800) 771-3282. We’ll be happy to help design the list that best suits your organization’s needs!