Our Pre-Mover list is compiled from public and private sources. These identify the address of consumers who have currently listed their home for sale. These records are acquired daily from the FSBO (for sale by owner) file. The Pre-Mover list is built bi-weekly.
This is a 3-month rolling file. That means the data in the file stays for 3 months and then it is dropped from the file. If a listing is renewed, it comes back on the file for another 3 month period.
The addresses are then matched to our Consumer List. This is where we apply a name and whatever additional demographic data we have available for selection. Approximately 60% of the file has a consumer name associated with the address.
Records may be purchased with a consumer or without a consumer name. It really depends on your offer and why you are reaching out to the pre-mover household. You may want to reach only those records where we have a name available. Or, you may use this as an address only file.
Other available selects on pre-mover lists:
- Geography
- listing date
- listing price
- number of bedrooms
- number of bathrooms
- square footage
Who Uses Pre-Movers?
The list is endless. Moving & storage companies, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, and home inspectors. Insurance agents, cleaning companies, cable & satellite TV, and locksmiths. Pool services, landscapers & lawn services, pest control, painters, and electricians. Carpenters, floor coverings, window treatments, security home alarm systems, and air duct services. (whew!)
Find out More
To find out how our Pre-Mover List can increase your ROI, please call the list pros at Dataman Group Direct. (800) 771-3282 or visit www.datamangroup.com.