New Donor Lists – New Opportunities

BRAND NEW: Curated Voter Files and State Contributors!

🎯 Pulled from actual voting history and financial filings, these lists help you target potential new donors.

State Contributor File

  • Past Contribution Amount
  • Past Contribution Dates
  • Contribution Recipient Type
  • Age, Income, Gender, Ethnicity

Bona-fide Voter File 🌟:

  • Voting Method Preference
  • Registration Date
  • Voter Status
  • Turnout Data
  • Voting History
  • Age, Income, Gender, Ethnicity

Data on both files available for Mail, Email or Calling

Lifestyle Propensity Models Help Predict Behavior

Our Lifestyle Propensity Models can help you predict the behavior and lifestyle characteristics of your donors and prospects. When you use these models, your agency will be  more successful in your acquisition and retention marketing efforts.

If you’re not sure where to begin, let us run a Customer Profile Analysis Report . This will help us find out who your current donors are. Consequently, we can use this info to match up the demographics of your current donors to your prospective donor lists. As a result,  you can reach new prospects for your agency’s fund raising efforts.


Is your agency primed & ready for direct mail fundraising?

What about Millennials? They are your donors of tomorrow. Do you have a plan in place to market to them? How can you convert them?

We are proud of our association with many non-profit agencies. We are also proud sponsors of the Levis Jewish Community Center and the Jewish Federation in Boca Raton, FL.