Dataman Group’s Families with Children lists let you target households with babies to teens.
We have over 22 million families with over 30 million children on our Families with Children mailing list. The file is updated monthly for accuracy. We also add brand new information into the database each week. Because of this, you will have the broadest reach of any families with children list, as well as maximum deliverability.
No other population represents more challenges or opportunities for marketers than America’s families. Families with children demand variety and convenience. As a result, many industries use our Families with Children Lists to find new clients. Some of our client groups includes insurance, financial, entertainment, publishing and education services. In addition, retail, telecommunications, healthcare, packaged goods and home improvement industries are also big users of this data.
There are literally hundreds of options you can choose to qualify your data. By using these elements, you can pinpoint your direct mail or telemarketing efforts to reach the best group for your offer.
Selects for Families with Children lists
- Family estimated household income
- Age of parent / marital status
- Age / age range of child
- Presence of Children
- Child’s gender
- Dwelling unit type
- Length of residence
- Telephone #
- Single parent family
- Home ownership
- Ethnicity
- Number of Children in household