To Increase the Payroll Business, firms need to target businesses with 10+ employees. We suggest you omit selected business categories such as government, public schools, Fortune 1000, banks and other accounting firms. This way you are maximizing the list of preferred businesses.

To Increase the Commercial Segment of the practice, reach out to New Businesses or small + medium-sized existing businesses in your local area.

Descriptions of some of these key Target Marketing Lists for Accountants are below:

New Homeowners

New Homeowners who have moved into their homes in 2022 represent the Tax Preparer’s single most important market group! While there may be fewer New Home owners this year than in past years – this makes New Homeowners more important than ever before! You must reach out to these new homeowners before they make arrangements with someone else.

Select your prospects by zip-code and the price they paid for their home. We will select homeowners who purchased their homes and/or condos since January 1st. Face it, they must file taxes on their new home. If you impress them with your contact, your practice will be the one they choose!

Many tax preparers also order the prior year’s New Homeowners, realizing that some families will switch firms after their first year. This group is also highly responsive. Not every New Homeowner had the experience they were looking for and will consider changing to a new tax professional who contacts them and makes them an offer they can’t refuse.

Successful tax preparers mail to the New Homeowners in the last week of January, beginning of February for best results. Multiple mailings will increase your response rate dramatically.

Postcards are your best option for this mailing. You can go to to order postcards specifically targeting the New Homeowners. There are no minimums so you can order as many (or as few) as you’d like.

Order your list early – so you have time to prepare your mailings during downtime in December.

Checkout these top marketing lists for accountants:

New Businesses

New Businesses are excellent prospects! They must file taxes on their new business and they need your advice. This is the single best time to develop a relationship.  This is one of the key marketing lists for accountants. Ask us for a count of the most recent new businesses in your area – our list is the most current in the marketplace today!

Homeowners with New Mortgage / Refinances / Debt Consolidation

All of these homeowners will need to file taxes as a result of their new loans. There are additional schedules to file that can often be very confusing to the consumer. Regulations change annually. This group absolutely must use the services of a qualified tax professional to take advantage of every deduction and interest payment they can. Many accountants also assist their clients in obtaining home loans.

Young Families

For many of these families, this is the first time they will need to deal with deductions for their dependents. These new families have a lot on their plates and doing their taxes is a job best left to professionals. This is also an excellent time to begin building a relationship with these young families, who will also look to their accountant for financial planning services, including insurance and tuition savings programs.

Many families are also uncertain as to how to file Child Tax Credits. They will also be looking for assistance.


Pre-retirees need serious tax planning, especially in today’s fluctuating market. The advice of a tax professional can help folks who will be retiring in the near future. This group needs to strategically plan for their golden years. This is the #1 growth market for CPAs. Many individuals have been burned by “financial advisors” are are looking towards an individual they can trust – a qualified CPA.

Survey-Driven & Modeled Data

Our lists show that over 13 Million households utilized the services of a CPA or tax professional to do their personal taxes last year. Of that group, 2.6 Million were in their homes under 2 years. This list will help the tax professional who is looking to target larger blocks of homeowners in a given market – but still reach out only to those local households most likely to use their services.

Existing Homeowners

While many tax preparers mail to all consumer households, it’s much more cost effective to reach out to homeowners only, since they tend to spend more on their annual tax preparation than others. Plus, you can select by the age and estimated household income of homeowners as well as the zip-codes that best suit your practice.

This is an inexpensive, yet highly effective list.

Existing Businesses

Many business owners who tried to do their own taxes in the past – they just can’t – too many moving regulations. But a new business customer is a fabulous addition. Think lifetime value. Your job is to reach out to them before they find someone else.

Businesses represent consistent monthly business. You can select by SIC code (Standard Industrial Code) or business category, employee size range, sales volume, as well as zip-code. Some accounting firms specialize in particular business types – let us know and we’ll be happy to locate them for you!

We have developed a Specialized Payroll Prospect File, designed specifically for CPA + Accounting Firms who are looking to reach out to these prospects by mail and by phone.

Call us at (800) 771-3282 and we’ll be happy to provide you with counts for the zip-codes in your market. We offer a special pricing program designed solely for the accounting industry.

It’s important to stand out from the crowd.