We are fortunate to have 2 excellent canine staff members – the Data Dogs – every day at our office. They are Data Kaycee and Data Dez. They handle their office duties with real skill and amazing gusto. As a matter of fact, you can probably hear them when you call our office.

To read their bios, you can click on their names. We are so proud of them!

Kaycee – Senior DataDog

Dez – DataDog in training

Nadi – Part-time DataDog

Izzy – Part-time DataDog

In Memoriam – their contributions will live on

Kobe – Chief DataDog – in memoriam

Morgan – in memoriam

Kayla – in memoriam

We would also be remiss to not mention Godiva and Sparky. While they did not have executive jobs with the company, they are still missed by all.

DataDez, the youngest member of the Dataman Group Data Dogs – as a puppy