In the past 31 years, the Dataman Group Office has been fortunate to have many Data Dogs to help and inspire us.
Through the years, we have been blessed with talented pooches who have handled many of our daily needs. These include guest reception, shipping & receiving, security, fetching the mail and general clean up. Plus, they provide our clients with a cacophony of barks, yips and noises to entertain and annoy.
The DataDogs have gotten notes and gifts in the mail from happy clients. Our dogs have been the source of many blogs, emails and articles. A Data Dog post is sure to get many comments and likes.
We all know that Pets in the Workplace Reduce Stress and Nurture Productivity
More and more frequently, employers and employees are discovering that pets at the workplace make them happier. Pets can lower stress levels, and create a comfortable, flexible environment. In fact, there have been many studies done regarding the psychological impact pets bring to the workplace. Studies prove that pets have calming effects, reduce blood pressure, and make employees more cordial and productive. I personally know this to be true in our office!
We all know that workplace stress can cause negativity. This can create a tense work environment for employees. The truth is that not every office is lucky enough to have dogs on site.