Knorr Soups Unique Direct Mailer.

January 17th, 2019 by

Knorr Soups Scores with a Unique Direct Mailer

We all know that a unique direct mailer will stand out in the mail, but what is it that makes that mailer unique?  Is it size, shape, texture, copy or color?

Knorr Soups was in need of a campaign for its new line of frozen products. They wanted to do more than build product awareness, they wanted to stand out as a leader in the industry. Working with an advertising agency, they set out to change perception of frozen food as a whole.

The company sent out a mailer with the line “unlike any F****N dinner you’ve ever tried” printed in leuco dye. Leuco dye is a special thermochromic ink that changes color with changes in temperature. (You might know it from the Coors beer bottle whose label which changes blue when it’s cold)

Consumers were prompted to put the piece into their freezer. In response to the temperature change, the paper revealed a whole new message: “FROZEN meals can be this delicious.”

Effective direct mail makes people remember them. This campaign was so successful that half of the mailing was postponed so stores could manage the demand. In total, it prompted 17,000 purchases, scoring an average response rate of 10.2 percent.

The takeaway here is that people will open a well-crafted unique direct mailer.

Click HERE If you want to read more about this case study.