Increase the Open Rate of New Mover Mailings

October 3rd, 2018 by

Extend the shelf life and increase the open rate of New Mover Mailings with magnets

Mailers can increase the open rate of new mover mailings by making their mailers interesting, whether it’s size, shape, texture, personalization, lumpiness or using one of the new USPS virtual reality QR codes. In this case, we are talking about increasing the open rate AND extending the shelf life of New Mover mailings by using magnets.

I read an article by Paul Bobnak, author of Whos’ Mailing What, who shared his recent personal observation about magnets.

“When we started unpacking from our recent move, one of the first things I took care of was a bag of magnets and other “stuff” that goes on our refrigerator door. You probably know what I’m talking about”.  I certainly do. My refrigerator door has a hockey calendar, drawings by my grandchildren, coupons, and a list of things I need to buy.

But what’s holding it all together? Magnets. Magnets from the nearby hospital. And from the local dry cleaner, vet, or plumber –  you name it. The problem now is that I need some new ones, especially from new local businesses. For example Uber Eats and my local gym.

Companies that use magnets

Many healthcare facilities, pizza delivery services, insurance agencies & hair salons incorporate magnets in their New Mover direct mail with great success.

Bottom line, magnets can extend the shelf life and increase the open rate of New Mover Mailings and that is a great. And, as Paul so aptly put it: “Magnets provide something of value. They build the brand. And best of all, they stick around for a while, literally”.

Want to see a great New Mover direct mail piece from Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia that uses magnets?

It’s a great example of how to increase the response of New Mover Mailings with magnets.

BTW – hand-addressed mailers get noticed and get opened!

increase the open rate of new mover mailings