Energize Your Offer for Improved Response

December 5th, 2016 by

If you want to improve results from your marketing, you need to energize your offer.

Consumers aren’t stupid – they can see through lukewarm offers a mile away. A halfhearted offer will be a turn off, rather than a turn on.

Sure, we all know that the offer is just one leg of the direct marketing stool of success. Mailing list, creative and timing are all important to consider….but the offer is what will make someone pick up the phone, click onto your shopping cart or fill out a BRC.

How can you energize your offer?

Take a good look at your campaign and your audience to figure out the perfect offer. Then,

  1. Build your offer.
  2. Make it easy to understand  (don’t mess around with an offer that is good every-other Thursday – LOL)
  3. Provide an easy way to act on the offer.
  4. Provide multiple ways to act on the offer.  (remember different people like to respond in different ways)
  5. Double check to make sure you can afford your offer

Your offer is a contract with the consumer. Make sure to dot your “I”s and cross your “t”s.

When you energize your offer, you give your marketing the chance to succeed. One last caveat, remember that you are making this offer to a finite group of prospects, that you selectively targeted. You are not making this offer to “anybody” – just a select group. You can afford to make a better offer than you would make if you were marketing to a huge group.

Want some tips on Creating the Perfect Offer? Click HERE


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