Dataman Group’s Dog Owner Lists

December 29th, 2008 by

I just got home from a family holiday movie excursion to see Marley & Me. As anyone who has ever called our office knows, we Dataman Group-ers are dog lovers who bring our dogs to work everyday.

Marley & Me was a 3-tissue movie. I laughed, I cried – and, as many of you know, recently our alpha dog, Morgan, passed away – so the movie was especially poignant.

On the way home, we reminisced about the memorable dogs who have graced our lives during the past 30 years – from Godiva, our chocolate lab, who ate the drywall in our home and a ham off our neighbor’s table; to Sparky, our sheltie who ran in never-ending circles in our backyard; to Morgan, our beautiful wienmaraner who’s photogenic smile, quasi-human personality and singing ability made her truly unique.

Our current office dogs, Kayla and Kobe, are special as well. Kayla is a 90 lb mixed black-lab-and-whatever-else rescue dog, sweet, devoted and protective and Kobe is our 13 month old puppy, a handsome chocolate brown labmaraner with boundless energy and limitless curiosity. Our Data Dogs take great pride in their daily responsibilities at work both in visitor reception as well as closely supervising anyone making a delivery to our office.

Dogs are great and dog owners are special people.
Which brings me to this blog about Dog Owner lists.

At Dataman Group, we can provide our customers with direct mail & telemarketing lists of dog owners, cat owners, bird owners and the catch-all “pet owners”. Our dog owner data is very robust and clients can even select by type of dog food (wet v.s dry) as well as brand (Eukanuba vs. Purina). This data is part of our Behavior Bank offerings, all of which is self-reported information.

We wish you & yours a happy & healthy new year.