We get lots of calls looking for lists for Cell Phone Telemarketing. It’s true – telemarketing can still a solid lead generator. Of course, it needs to be done right.
A few months back there was a string of emails and Facebook messages saying a new wireless phone directory would soon be established and available to telemarketers. In fact, this is not true; this was only an idea to establish a wireless directory. The law states “it is unlawful for any person to make any call (other than a call made for emergency purposes or made with express prior consent) using any automatic telephone dialing system or any artificial or prerecorded voice message to any telephone number assigned to a paging service, mobile telephone service or any service for which the called party is charged for the call”.
It is also true that there are certain niche groups that are only available by mobile phone. I guess mobility is the key word here. Millennials, new americans, individuals with large families out of the country, lower income households have all become “un-tethered”. That means they are no longer tethered to a land line. As cell phone rates drop and more and more people pay flat rate for their service, we will probably see more and more people cutting the cords. Which means that more and more companies will take advantage of cell phone telemarketing.
Be knowledgeable
As marketers we need to be knowledgeable of what is available and what is unavailable. When it comes to telemarketing, make sure you are aware of the FTC restrictions and TCPA regulations. You need to be sure you can utilize cell phone telemarketing lists. And remember, if there aren’t enough prospects using a cell phone list for telemarketing, there will always be enough prospects to reach by mail!
Some of the types of organizations that use cell phone telemarketing include political organizations (think campaigns) and non-profits (think end-of-the-year appeals)
NOTE: This post is from 2013. It was a different world then.
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