Tips for Marketing to Turning 65

May 14th, 2018 by

Turning 65 is a birthday milestone for many people. For insurance agents, marketing to turning 65  is an opportunity to sell supplemental Medicare insurance, or Medigap insurance, to people newly eligible for it.

Let’s face it, you, and every other insurance agent, are already well aware of this target market. How can you be more effectively than your competitor when you market to people Turning 65?

The Turning 65 List is the main lead source for those agents selling supplemental Medicare insurance, or Medigap insurance. Agents can select by their specific geography as well as the individual’s month of birth. The list is accessible from many sources, including on-line sites. We caution agents to call our office for this type of list so they get exactly what they want for their marketing program. We have found that agents who buy a Turning 65 list on-line often don’t end up with exactly what they intended.

But how do you stand out from the crowd? Since many independent agents purchase Turning 65 lists, the market is pretty crowded. Remember, these consumers are receiving with mail or calls from other independent agents, as well as polished direct-mail marketing materials from national insurance carriers.

You need to stand out in the crowd.

Tips for Marketing to Turning 65

  • Start marketing early: Remember that a person who is 62 or 63 years old will be turning 65 eventually; you don’t have to wait until they are 64 to start marketing to them. Cast a wider net with your age filter and include supplemental Medicare insurance information when you pitch other insurance products.
  • It’s not just About Repetition – You Need to Use Multiple Marketing Channels: In the old days, agents used telemarketing as their primary method for lead generation. Not so much today. We all know that repetition increases response. In today’s marketing landscape, your job is to get your message to the Turning 65-ers in as many ways as you can and as often as you can. Each of these prospects will eventually buy insurance. The more times they hear/see your name, the more likely they will be to buy it from you when the time comes. Many agents are now using email and Facebook advertising in concurrence with their direct mail to increase their exposure and make sure their names are front and forward.
  • Use Postcards. Postcards have a 100% open rate!! Click HERE to see a sample card you can mail.
  • Personalize. Response also increases when you personalize. Remember, insurance is a very personalized product. When marketing to turning 65, you need to convey that. Your prospect needs to feel that you are speaking to them, not to the masses. Note: If you’re marketing to Hispanics, read these tips.


  • Be Prepared to Provide Answers to Frequently Asked Questions: Make it easy for people to get the information they want. Many of your prospects will go on-line to your site. You need to make sure your website has all the right information. It needs to be fast and responsive. Many people who are now turning 65 have learned from their parents’ experience, whether it is what kind of supplemental Medicare or Long Term Care Insurance regarding insurance benefits. When marketing to turning 65, be prepared to respond to objections based on their previous experiences. Offer detailed responses to the most frequently asked questions. These customers don’t want to be placated — they want real answers.
  • Don’t Try to Hard Sell: The landscape of insurance sales has changed. The consumer turning 65 is accustomed to going on line for information and researching before making a decision. They also have a higher expectation of service when it comes to quality and speed. Be prepared to make your pitch, provide detailed information, and be extremely accessible when marketing to this audience.
  • Consider a Unique Offer to help Close the Sale: Remember, you are trying to stand out from the crowd. Is there something you can give away that might tip the scales in your favor? Think movie tickets, travel bag, personalized luggage tags, or gift cards.

2 thoughts on “Tips for Marketing to Turning 65

  1. Well I sincerely enjoyed studying it. This tip offered by you is very effective for correct planning
