You can fine-tune the list by business category (SIC), employee size, sales volume, business ownership and business credit data. Additionally, the National Business Database contains targeted UCC lists, credit-based business lists, and lists of small businesses.
Telephone Numbers
Telephone numbers are available for every record. We also have email addresses for approximately 40% of the professional contacts on the list.
Our National Business List Database will let you target the right businesses based on your specific offer. This is the most up-to-date business database in the industry. As a result, we can provide you with great B2B sales leads for direct mail, telemarketing, email and social marketing.
The pros at Dataman Group Direct will work closely with you to tailor the data you select for your best response.
By the way, Telemarketing is a great lead generator in B2B! Click here to read more
To get a list of SICs (Standard Industrial Codes), you can go to the US Census – or simply call our office and ask us to email over a complete list, drilled down to 8-digits. The Standard Industrial Classification Codes that are assigned to a given company indicate that company’s type of business. On our National Business Database, we offer the SIC, which is a description of the specific category. We also provide another field called “Line of Business” that further delineates what that company does.
If you want to run counts and get a feel for the number of prospects in your market, you can use our on-line count & order system.