Insurance Agents Need to Market Their VALUE

December 16th, 2024 by

Insurance policies are notorious for being difficult to understand. Sometimes I think they use the most complicated verbiage they can to make sure policyholders can’t possibly understand what’s covered and what isn’t. And, not only that – they raise the rates at the same time.

That’s where a good insurance professional comes into play. An agent who can explain the finer points to a policyholder so there are no misconceptions when the time to use that insurance arises. That’s one of the values that an insurance agent brings to the table.

Insurance agents need to market their VALUE to policyholders. To be successful, agents will need to show their commitment to their customers. They do this by showing how they offer services and programs that make life easier, safer, more convenient and more affordable for consumers.

Your Marketing Should Address your Value Proposition

Expertise: The cost of insurance keeps rising and consumers wonder what they are getting for their money. This is a time to stress your value if you want to keep customers with higher lifetime value. In this case, value isn’t about the dollars, but how you handle claims and how you can bundle discounts.  It’s your expertise that people are counting on.

Transparency: Agents need to show transparency in their marketing approach. In today’s dynamic insurance landscape, providing clear and open communication is paramount. Agents need to show that clients can trust them about policy details, coverage options, and any changes in rates. This allows them to navigate the evolving insurance market with confidence.

Availability: As technology advances, agents need to stay connected with customers. This helps promote retention, offer convenience, and create fresh experiences. Your clients need to feel that they can reach you when they need to.

Great Customer Experience: Agents need to provide terrific customer service. Marketing needs to show how an agent is “looking out” for their customers. This can be done by providing a 24/7 phone number, loyalty rewards, personalized products and services, and an easy-to-use dashboard to pay bills.

Now, this is all well and good, but Insurance Agents need to share this value proposition. From a consumer point of view, agents need to consistently reach out to their best possible prospects and engage them.

New Homeowners are a Top Target Marketing list for Insurance Agents:

The top marketing lists for insurance agents include:

These target marketing lists are considered trigger lists. For example, the purchase of a home triggers many actions. People need insurance for their homes and auto. They will need health insurance. Many people have no agent to turn to in their new area. *What a terrific opportunity for an insurance agent to grab a new client!

The same goes for the Anniversary Lists – which gives insurance agents an opportunity to reach out to home and auto owners for their homeowner / auto insurance renewals.

And, of course, the Turning 65 list, which gives insurance agents the ability to reach people who will be turning 65 for Medigap/ supplemental Medicare insurance. BTW – did you know there are over 11,000 individuals a day turning 65? This is a great marketing opportunity that never stops.

Trigger Lists Give Insurance Agents a Consistent, Affordable Advantage

Trigger lists give an insurance agent the edge because they allow the agent to reach the right people at the right time. But the other reason these are such great list for insurance agents is that these are typically small quantities that are marketed to on an on-going basis. Think of your marketing budget. Would you rather mail to 400 new homeowner names a month and spread your marketing dollars over a period of time – or market/pay to reach to 5,000 all at once?

When you plan your marketing outreach on a consistent basis, using one of these trigger lists, you are pretty much guaranteed to do better. First, you are reaching people at a time when they are open to finding new professionals, products and services.  This is a highly responsive group that needs insurance services.

Next, you’re spreading the cost over a wider period of time, rather than all at once. This is way easier on your marketing budget.

Last, when you are consistently marketing out, you are consistently driving leads in. That means you have the ability to generate leads on an on-going basis, since you are marketing on an on-going basis.

And, that marketing consistency generates new business month in, month out!

When insurance agents reach the right people at the right time with the right message – that’s the golden ticket!