Syncographics – the 4th Pillar of Direct Mail Success

June 2nd, 2015 by

Syncographics – market timing – is so important.

I just came home from a 2 week cruise vacation (OMG – fabulous) and dug into the pile of mail that was waiting for me on my return.

Sure, there were bills (yes, I still like getting a hard copy) and circulars that I had no interest in. But there were also gems.

Right now, after a great cruise – all of a sudden all of those cruise brochures I keep getting in the mail were not only interesting – they made my mouth water just thinking about all of the new & exciting cruise options in the marketplace.

As most of my readers know, I am a big advocate of direct mail syncographics – the timing of marketing – and its’ need to be considered the 4th pillar of direct mail success – right up there in the mix with a finely-targeted mailing list, strong offer & great creative. This is market timing at its best – strike while the iron is hot. Think Halloween.

Incorporating syncographics into the marketing mix can really make a difference in response. I’m booking a new cruise as we speak. Hmm – doesn’t that make all those cruise brochures worth mailing?

Targeting specific times of the year allows businesses and marketers to appeal to an audience at a specific time. This would be when they are paying the most attention to your offer. Therefore, increasing engagement, leads and sales. A perfect example of how important timing is to marketing is Christmas.

Trigger Lists

Another great example is targeting New Homeowners. New Homeowners need all sorts of good and services when they move into their new home. This is also when they start to develop new relationships with businesses, doctors, houses of worship. That’s why so many advertisers like to reach them when they are brand new. Think window treatments. It’s a must for new homeowners.

Parents of New Babies is another important Trigger. They needs all sorts of things for their new baby. Diaper services, pediatrician, daycare.

Turning 65ers – another great syncographics group. They need to sign up for medicare supplement insurance programs at the right time. That’s why so many insurance agents use this list to find new prospects.

It’s all about reaching the right people at the right time – one of my favorites Dataman Group mottos!