Stand Out with Direct Mail

February 4th, 2020 by

The new technology in 2020 you will make it easy for you to use great creative to stand out with your direct mail.

Companies who are already invested in Direct Mail Marketing are on the right track. For those companies that forgot the great response that Direct Mail generates, it’s time to reconsider!

More emails are being sent than ever before, and this trend won’t stop. Wrap your mind around these numbers:

  • 293.6 Billion Emails Sent/Received Per Day Worldwide    (BTW – in 2015, it was 147 Billion)
  • Expected to increase to 347.3 Billion Emails in 2022     (stats from Statitsa 2020)

Think there’s a little clutter in those inboxes?

The competition to get your prospective or past customers eyes is at all-time high. That’s where Direct Mail comes in. It may be true that the ROI from stand-alone Direct Mail might not be as high as it was in the past. It is also true that this has more to do with postage increases then response rates. With that being said, there are less mail pieces from your competitors. Many of them gave up on Direct Mail. Very sort-sighted I say.

Combine that with advances in data targeting.  Immediately, you are saving money on reaching only the right people. But, with less competition in their mailbox. Plus, nowadays it’s easier than ever to reach this same group of people digitally. This further increases your response and your ROI.

Use this checklist to make sure you’re maximizing the ROI from your Direct Mail in 2020:

1. Know your customers – Do you know basic demographic and lifecycle information about your clients? What about the time in their life they buy? How will you best target prospective customers without knowing who they are? Consider running third party appending services if you don’t have this information available.

2. Update your current lists or purchase new lists – How old is your current mailing list? The easiest way to save money is running your list through an NCOA (National Change of Address). After you know more about your current clients you can build a new micro targeted mailing list with specific demographics applied. (Think of cloning your current customers/database to build a new one)

3. Controlling Your Message – The copy on a Mailer to a past/current customer verses a prospective client should be different. You have a different message to convey to each group. For example, if you are targeting Millennials, the message needs to be tailored to them.  Your copy or image also need to  be focused on them. This way, when your message is seen, your direct mail will stand out.

4. Test, Test, and Re-Test – Variable printing has made it easier than ever to test you’re creative, offer, and copy. Start somewhere! Want to keep it simple/stupid? Then test 1,000 mailers with 4 different groups. Two different lists groups with two different offers.

5. Think omni-channel – Combining other marketing with your Direct Mail will only increase your response rate and ROI. Try appending email addresses to your file, and upload to your social channels. Track how your your digital campaign perform when you do a Mailing at the same time. I bet the opens/click are higher.

6. Make sure your mailings are included in the U.S.P.S. Informed Delivery program. This program helps link physical and digital mail. Another great marketing channel that adds power into your marketing mix.

Many have predicted the demise of Direct Mail for years. However, the continued success and response says it all. Smart marketers know the need to keep Direct Mail in their Marketing Mix.


Blog Written  by Scott Filhaber

VP & Direct Marketing Specialist for Dataman Group, in Boca Raton, Fl. Scott is past President of the Florida Direct Marketing Association and a past Board Member of the Palm Beach American Marketing Association. Leadership Boca Class of 2019 – Greater Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce.