Stand Out From The Crowd

June 5th, 2014 by

This is a great example of how a business can stand out from the crowd.

Candy Boyd of Boyd’s Funeral Home in Los Angeles knows the importance of standing out from the crowd.

They provide choreographed professional pallbearers that create a celebration of life and a memorable service that offers mourners a chance to say goodbye to loved ones in a unique and unforgettable way.

An article in yesterday’s LA Times described the pomp & circumstance provided by the well-dressed pallbearers who synchronized their movements to gospel music as they carry the casket shoulder-high down the center of the room, wearing top hats & tails, matching ties and white gloves.

By combining respect for the deceased and joy in their calling, they provide comfort for mourners and business for the funeral home.

Candy Boyd – you have earned my respect as a marketer who understands her customer and knows how to make a difference.

Every business needs to find their own unique value proposition and market it, using the right media in their marketing toolbox. For Boyd Funeral Home, social media may be the key. For others, direct mail may be the answer. But bottom line is standing out from the crowd and using it for success….and what they did over at Boyd’s is top one for the book of funeral home marketing tips.

What can make you stand out from the crowd?

Here are 18 strategies that truly work.

1.     Be disciplined.

Most entrepreneurs are people of impulse, and most passionate people live by feelings. But those who understand and practice the art of discipline can channel those impulses into something of substance.

2.     Know yourself.

Get feedback from others and learn as much as you can about how you come across. Then you can accurately target how you appear in a crowd and what you need to work on.

3.     Be conscious.

Showing up consciously means always being on time, honoring your commitments, and being prepared. Nothing is more powerful than an individual acting out of a well-developed consciousness.

4.     Be confident.

When you truly believe you can create what you envision, when you’re not afraid of the obstacles, that confidence will automatically make you stand out from the rest.

5.     Practice listening.

Learn to listen truly listen–to work toward a deep  understanding and hear what’s being said beyond the words. You will stand out in any situation if you become a person who listens from the heart.

6.     Cultivate emotional intelligence.

Too many otherwise smart people don’t know how to manage their emotions or relate to others well. Emotional intelligence attracts people who are looking to connect with someone who has their act together and who’s competent and capable.

7.     Be response-able.

Be the kind of person who responds and remembers to follow through. Most people drop the ball and don’t follow up. Respond to emails, calls, requests, and inquiries as soon as you can. You will stand out as a person who respects others and is accountable.

8.     Lead with excellence.

Let people know that quality is a core value, that everything that you do you do with excellence. Leading with excellence prepares you to deliver high-quality work and makes you stand out as a professional.

9.     Know your motives.

Why do you do what you do? How well do you know your purpose–your why? Knowing your motivation helps you keep going and makes you easy for others to relate to.

10.  Take yourself seriously.

Being a entrepreneur, leader, or businessperson requires that you become a master at your craft. It means being competent at the things you do, constantly honing and developing your skills in every way possible. You stand out from the crowd when you take yourself seriously. This way others do as well.

11.   Always be of service.

Being useful, being helpful is an important aspect of making a great impression. Show up with a spirit of empathy and something to give. An attitude of service makes people interested in what you have to offer.

12.  Don’t make everything about you.

Few things are more boring than a self-centered person. When you met someone make the conversation about them, not you. You stand out from the crowd when you act interested and engaged. Ask questions and listen carefully.

13.  Be kind to everyone.

Lots of people are only nice to those who can do something for them. Stand out by treating everyone as important and interesting–even those who can do nothing for you in return.

14.  Be prepared.

When an opportunity turns up, the person who is ready and able to be part whatever needs to happen will always stand out.

15.  Be a master collaborator.

Be a great team player. Make others look good and sound good. When you collaborate well, people remember how you made them feel–and when people feel good around you, you stand out.

16. Love yourself.

It has nothing to do with ego, but a confidence within you that elevates your relationships with everything else. You’ll stand out by being modest but happy with who you are.

17. Be inspirational.

A passion for life attracts others to you. To stand out and inspire others, you first must be inspirational.

18. Make your life your message.

Make sure that everything you do–how you show up, how you act, what you say, what you do–is a reflection of who you are, so your character and spirit are consistent across every situation.

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