Home Improvement Companies Target Baby Boomers

April 12th, 2017 by

Home improvement companies are targeting Baby Boomers for “Aging in Place” Projects

Home remodelers say they’ve had a pickup in projects from boomers who are in or approaching retirement and are seeking to modify their houses. It’s a trend known as “aging in place,” an alternative to moving to smaller quarters or a warmer climate. Many baby boomers are not keen on moving. They have family and friends in their current area and want to stay in the home they’ve built and loved.

However, as consumers continue to age, some features on their homes (like stairs) become problematic. Many of these homeowners are hoping to make their surroundings easier to manage and safer in case they have health problems. So, home improvement companies in this space target baby boomers for their customers.

Baby Boomer Aging In Place Projects

They’re replacing bathtubs with walk-in showers, installing safety rails, widening doorways and building ramps — features known as “universal design” since they can be used by anyone, regardless of physical ability. Boomers are also redoing their kitchens and sprucing up other areas — since they’re staying put, they want to enjoy their surroundings.

Some remodeling companies are specifically marketing to boomers, doing direct mail to Golden Homeowners age 65+ in older homes  or sending salespeople to trade expos and events those customers are likely to attend.

Miracle Method, a franchise business that refinishes kitchens and bathrooms, has increased its outreach to boomers. Erin Gilliam, the company’s marketing manager has been targeting baby boomers for ageing in place projects for the past year. She also said that Franchise owners say much of the 11 percent growth in the franchise’s overall business in the past year was driven by boomers.

Recently, solar companies have been also targeting baby boomers for solar power installations.