How Frequency in marketing brings results

November 22nd, 2016 by

I get a lot of questions about frequency in marketing. To re-mail or not to re-mail. How often in enough?

I always tell my clients who have done well with a particular campaign that re-mailing is an awesome strategy for them. Some of my clients say, “I can’t mail again — I just sent a mailing last month!”

C’mon, do you remember what you received in the mail last month? Last week? What about yesterday?

As David Ogilvy once said, “You’re not advertising to a standing army. You’re advertising to a passing parade.”

Frequency in Marketing Generates Response

People who don’t need you one week might need you the next. If you’re happy with your list, offer and creative, take that same mail piece and mail it again. If you got a good response the first time around, you will on the remailing, too.

Rule of thumb on re-mailing: It is far better to mail to the best prospects twice, then mail to lukewarm prospects once.

Frequency Ups Your Visibility

We all know that consumers are getting thousands of marketing message a day. Frequency helps you break through that clutter and make your message important. The more often a prospect hears your name, sees your logo, gets some kind of contact from you – the better your chances are of being remembered.

2019 Update to this post –

It’s not just about the mail frequency, although that is the base for all our direct marketing efforts and the driver that moves the consumer from one channel to the next. Consumers need to see / hear your message through multiple marketing channels.