March 25th, 2018 by

When it comes to digital marketing, younger women are more likely to engage with brands through digital channels.

Research shows that women account for 85% of overall consumer spending in the United States. This accounts for $7 trillion*. That is huge! With a figure that large (and growing), it’s becoming increasingly important to understand some of the nuances in digital marketing to women.

Women of all ages tend to check online customer reviews and browse products online before making purchases. Similarly, younger women, aged 18-29, are more likely to engage with brands on social media. Typically, they also tend to opt-in to receive direct digital communications from a brand. This may be text notifications, email or downloading a brand’s app.

Check out these findings:

Fluent, a market research company, published these findings from a recent study.

  • Digital marketing channels are more likely to drive purchases among women who engage with them. 72% of women sign up for mobile notifications. 71% of women follow brands on social media. 53% of women who have signed up for email marketing newsletters say that these marketing channels have made them “more likely to make a purchase.”
  • More than half of women say they sometimes download mobile shopping apps for the stores they regularly visit. While 55% of women download mobile shopping apps for the stores they regularly visit,  76% say they primarily use these apps just to browse merchandise.
  • Facebook dominates for following brands. 77% of women said that Facebook is their preferred social media network for following brands.
  • Women overwhelmingly prefer gender-neutral ads. 73% of women say they sometimes receive marketing messages directed specifically to women. However 74% say they prefer marketing messages to be gender-neutral.


digital marketing to women

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