Dataman Group’s Dog Owner Data

May 13th, 2009 by

We took our dogs to the baseball game. It was the Marlins annual Bark at The Park extravaganza and, boy, was it fun! There were 1,542 assorted dogs of all breeds & sizes in attendance that night and the only thing that went wrong was the Marlins blowing a 6 run lead in the 9th inning!

Ed + I are “empty nesters”, which means our Dogs are our current children. We take them out to eat – (yes, there are many dog-friendly restaurants in Boca Raton) and we are proud to say that our dogs have dined with us at some of the finest establishments!

As most of you know, especially if you have called our office and have heard the uncontrollable barking in the background when the FedEx man bearing dog treats comes to call, our dogs come to work with us every day. We consider them to be valuable Canine Staff members who have specific responsibilities and office duties. Our dogs, Kayla + Kobe, are sizeable beasts – each one is upwards of 80 lbs. We are talking big feet, drool and tails that can sweep everything off a coffee table.

Do you use Dog Owner Data?

We love our dogs dearly and simply walk carefully around them in the office since they tend to block all the file cabinets, copier and bathroom door.

Why am I bringing this all up?
Because there is nothing we wouldn’t do for our dogs.

You all know that I often lecture in the Home Improvement Industry. Two weeks ago I was in Orlando speaking to Pentair Water Dealers. I talked about why Dog Owners are great prospects for quality water products. After all, we want what’s best for our family! Terry, their senior Channel Manager, came up to me afterwards. He said – “Wow, you know you’re right. Our next door neighbor’s dog will only drink filtered water from our house. That’s because the water tastes so good!” I rest my case.

Dog Owners, age 50+, who own their homes with disposable income. What a great market! And, at Dataman Group, we have the perfect dog owner data!

Who needs to market to Dog Owners?

**Water conditioning dealers
**Fence Companies
**Builders – Patio enclosures (and doggy door installation)
**Pet Food + Toys
**Veterinary Services
**Poop picker-uppers (I tried to put that delicately)
**Dog Walkers / Dog Sitters

BTW – make sure you feature a dog on your mailer and use a dog-oriented premium to close the sale. Dedicated dog owners will spend whatever it takes to get a free doggy toy for their treasured pooch!

PS – visit Kayla and Kobe and the rest of the famous Dataman Group DataDogs.
