Kobe still gets very excited when anything is delivered to our office. Above all, we are hopeful that in the near future, he will stop jumping on the Fed Ex man when he arrives with the daily treats for our canine staff.

Kobe is a handsome devil. The bottom photo was taken in October 2014. Here, he is modeling his Halloween costume – a Linebarker (get it?). Yes, he has a wicked sense of humor! He is also shown modeling the Dataman Group multi-purpose Holiday greeting. He certainly loves having his picture taken!

The photo below shows Kobe & his colleague Kaycee relaxing at the Dataman Group offices during their lunch break.

Lounging around during their doggie break

Kobe 6 months
At 6 months
Kobe & Kaycee are reindeer
Modeling their Holiday Reindeer look
Kobe & Kayee
A Line Barker & Cheerleader