Consumers Prefer Direct Mail

July 8th, 2019 by

Direct Mail – for many Consumers it’s the Preferred Way to Receive Promotions

According to Marketing Sherpa, when it comes to receiving updates and promotions, direct mail tops all other channels.

This is because consumers are more likely to be incented to shop when receiving promotions in the channels they prefer. Therefore, it stands to reason that if consumers prefer receiving promotions via direct mail, they are more likely to shop when promotions arrive via direct mail.

Think Bed, Bath & Beyond coupons. You know you use them.

Preferred Ways of Receiving Updates and Promotions

Receive in the mail 54%
Subscribe to receive emails at a frequency I choose 49%
Visit a company’s website when I want updates and promotions 38%
Receive at the physical store 28%
Subscribe to receive emails at a frequency chosen by the brand 24%
Follow on social media 20%
Receive via text messages 17%
Download a mobile app 15%
Attend local events 9%
I prefer not to receive updates and promotions 8%

Source: Marketing Sherpa

This entire topic is a throwback to the old adage about communicating with people the way they want to be spoken to.  Very omni-channel. Certainly, there are some consumers who prefer direct mail to any other marketing channel. There are others who only want to receive texts.

When I recently visited Macy’s, before I was able to complete my transaction, I was prompted to list my preferred method of communications. Would I prefer to be contacted by phone, email or via text? They did not offer me the opportunity to click off direct mail as my preference. Sure, I get their catalogs and promotions via direct mail. Maybe I’m a throwback, I’m just one of those consumers who prefers direct mail when it comes to catalogs and coupons. Lots of baby boomers are.

What this also means is that offline marketing approaches – like direct mail – are top lead generators for online stores. That’s why ecommerce business can’t afford to ignore offline marketing.

It’s like apples and oranges. Some consumers prefer direct mail and others prefer another marketing channel.