December Business Prospecting: If You’re Not Selling You’d Better Be Marketing.

December 1st, 2014 by

Don’t look at December as ending the year….but assessing where we are and how we’re planning to start the New Year with a bang.

Many business owners think that December is a poor month for sales and spend the month diddling around when they could be spending their time wisely to develop their strategic marketing plan and putting that plan in place to actively increase their business.

Many non-retail salespeople tend to slack off because they assume that many business owners are either not in or not in the mood to talk.

But the real truth is that December is a great month for business prospecting – especially in the B2B arena. Bottom line, the business owners who aren’t in – aren’t interested anyway. The business owners who are in are serious about improving their business. If it’s slow, they have more time to listen to you and they’re the ones you want to reach out to anyway!

I always tell my people that when we’re not actively selling, we need to be pro-actively marketing.

It’s December 1st. At Dataman Group, we’re marketing.
So what kind of December Business Prospecting are you doing today to make your business better?