The ConsumerView Profitability Score select helps identify households likely to pay their debts. It also ranks households by profitability. This allows marketers to target their best prospects based on:
- Profitability
- Approval Rates
- Response Rates
The ConsumerView Profitability Score was created with a robust scoring model. Then, this model is overlaid on our National Consumer Database. It offers you lot’s of options. As a result, this gives you greater precision in predicting, identifying and targeting prospects at the Household Level.
There are 13 levels with 3 high profitability levels. By selecting the right combination, you can target households who will respond to your mail piece. You can use a household’s ConsumerView Profitability score to guide your copy. This includes Invitation to Apply, credit or continuity program offers.
Let’s face it, you want to spend your marketing dollars reaching people who will bring profit to your business. Above all, this is the overlay that can pinpoint these households for you.
Remember, the ConsumerView Profitability score ranks prospects at a Household Level. As a result, this is much more precise than typical modeled credit files. Those typically rank at the zip+4 level. As I mentioned earlier, this score can be overlaid on our very comprehensive National Consumer Database.
This is a great way for marketers to cut their costs. That’s because the score helps by reducing the risk of generating unprofitable prospects. Consequently, you can target only those households with a high likelihood for success.