6 Commandments of Lead Generation

March 11th, 2021 by

Why should People Want to do Business with You?

Marketers who take advantage of these 6 Commandments of lead generation will improve their response rates and their bottom lines.

Print out and paste these 6 Commandments of Lead Generation on your desk or work station and make this your mantra.

  • Locate prospects who NEED your product, rather than people who could be convinced to want it
  • Make them feel important & valued and remind them they can’t get along without you. Sell Benefits – not features.
  • Reach out to them via multiple marketing channels. In 2021, think omni-channel.
  • Make them an offer they can’t refuse
  • Follow up quickly and in a professional manner
  • Deliver what you promise. Your brand will benefit and you’ll get referrals

By following these simple rules, marketers will build trust and enhance their brand.

Direct Them to your Website

In 2021, it’s all about driving people to a dedicated landing page on your website. This is the actual place where you generate your lead. If you are using direct mail, consider printing a QR code on your mailer. Prospects can hover their phone over the code and move right to your landing page.

Your landing page continues to warm up your potential customers. This is the place where your prospects can find about more about what you’re selling. Your landing page has your very enticing offer front and center. Make sure it’s worthy. This is where you want them to complete your lead generation form.

Your form should incorporate the minimum amount of information you need to get in touch and follow up with your prospect. Studies have shown that the more information you ask for, the less likely they will be to complete the form.

Consider this the start of their purchase journey.

Lead Generation is about creating and building relationships. Your prospects have to want to do business with you. Make sure your website entices, entertains and educates them.