Use a Lead Magnet to improve your Lead Generation

December 11th, 2017 by

lead magnet is anything offered for free in exchange for a recipient’s email address

Using a free resource as a Lead Magnet is a great way to collect your lead’s data. A free lead magnet could be anything from a small e-book to a small educational course. Pay attention to one important element in this strategy: you shouldn’t collect only leads but generate value from the exchange with the user. Your lead magnet needs to be something they want….not just something that’s easy for you to give away.

I am updating this blog today – April 8, 2021 with additional information that might make a difference between a good offer and a great offer!

What you are giving away to your potential client is something that could be a game changer in your relationship. It can build trust and authority. For this reason, it is important to not undervalue what are you giving as a free lead magnet.

Examples of effective lead magnets

  • Ebooks
  • Free trials
  • Video course
  • Special Previews of new products
  • Coupon/discounts
  • Raffles / contests
  • Checklists
  • Cheat Sheets
  • Templates
  • Scripts
  • Webinars
  • Free samples
  • Personalized Results
  • Educational Resources

Your offer should also relate to your product and landing page. Everything should be seamless.

Also –  if you are giving something away, you need to get something back. You are making this offer so you can collect your prospect’s email address. This can become the start of your relationship with them.

For example, at Dataman Group, we are offering a free download of my book Lead Generation Made Easier. But, before people get to download this gem for free, they need to fill out a small form so they can click on their reward. We set this up with it’s own landing page. This way we can see who visits the page and downloads the EBook.

This is a great example of what we did:

Remember, your Lead Magnet must have a perceived value…or it’s worth nothing.