Marketing to Moms – Mothers are Getting Older & Greener

December 6th, 2010 by

When marketing to moms, advertisers need to take heed of a recent study from Experian. This report shows that younger mothers are becoming increasingly eco-conscious. This study also shows that Mothers are getting older as well.Parents-of-New-Babies-asre-Great-Prospects-for-life-Insurance

The number of mothers age 35+up with children 18 and under has grown from 40.9 million to 44.9 million in the past 4 years. And the younger mom segment, age 35 and under – the group most likely to be influenced by advertising – is shifting towards a higher eco-consciousness and willingness to buy green products.

Buying Green

In the past, it’s typically been older consumers who have been most likely to purchase green products. We are now seeing the number of younger moms moving into the ‘Thinking Green’ and ultimately, the ‘Buying Green’ categories.

This shift can be attributed to more information available about the impact of green choices on children’s health. It can a product of reading about organic milk or the benefits of free-range chicken. The growth trend toward green purchases among younger moms is outpacing the 35-and-older mothers by at least 5% a year.

The report also indicates that the recent economic recession forced a more intense focus on household budgets. This has helped increase women’s influence in all family purchases. When you’re marketing to moms, remember that 69% of moms say they are the most influential person in the household when it comes to making purchase decisions.

The study also puts the population of moms who work outside the home (either full- or part-time) at 62%, or 19.6 million moms. More than 21.5% (or 6.8 million) identify themselves as stay-at-homers. Some 30.8% of moms, or 9.7 million, are unmarried.

We Call them Green Aware

Dataman Group’s GreenAware list lets marketers reach eco-conscious moms at their home addresses. Marketers of green products can leverage the right message to this market. They can advance their brand by using recyclable paper stock and soy-based ink. Buy doing this, they will find that their response rates increase.

The GreenAware model can also be overlaid on Dataman Group’s Growing Families Database: New Parent and Pre-Natal Households.  This gives smart marketers yet another edge over the competition.

For more information about this highly relevant market segment, please call the Dataman Group office at (800) 771-3282 and Ask DataDale.
