Increased Risks to Elderly from Tap Water Consumption

November 11th, 2010 by

I recently re-read an article from last Decembers WC&P Magazine having to do with the Increased Risks to the Elderly from Tap Water Consumption.

Studies show that elderly individuals who drank municipally treated tap water meeting all state and federal quality standards, had a 12 % increase in stomach illness compared to people drinking purified tap water from the same source.

The article also lists other populations, in addition to the elderly, which are also considered sensitive – including the very young, pregnant women and those individuals who are immunocompromised or chronically ill. These groups make up over 25% of US households and they are at a higher risk of infection due to waterborne agents.

Many of these infections could have been prevented by the use of a POU system.

Water Dealers who do not reach out to these key market groups with that message are missing a tremendous opportunity to educate and thereby influence these potential prospects. Dealers do not need to use scare tactics – they just need to make sure that homeowners in their area are informed. Remember, we all want to know about things that will help us live a better, healthier life. Those dealers who are seen to promote this view will attract new customers into their dealership.

I know that many of you have heard me speak about the “Have-to-Haves” vs. the “Want-to-Haves”. In today’s economy, necessity is outperforming luxury and spending dollars are allocated to the “Have-to-Haves”. Well, these sensitive populations Have-to-Have purified tap water to stay healthy and dealers need to educate these consumers about the benefits a POU system can bring to their lives.

This is time to work on your marketing program for Holiday. The top New Year’s Resolutions are health-oriented and your dealership’s messaging needs to focus on the gift of health. There is no better gift for members of these sensitive populations.

Dataman Group Direct Mail & Telemarketing Lists works closely with Water Quality Dealers to provide them with the right marketing lists for their prospecting needs. I urge dealers to sit down with their marketing managers, ad agencies and staffs and brainstorm about the benefits their POU systems will bring to those sensitive populations – Elderly Homeowners, Parents of New Babies, Pre-Natal households and Ailment Sufferers – and talk about mailers, scripts, offers and closing tools.

By the way, put the annual WQA Aquatech USA 2011 in San Antonio on your calendar for March 9-11. I will be speaking twice during the conference and hope to see you at one of my sessions.