In Memorium – Kobe Filhaber

January 13th, 2016 by

Kobe Filhaber passed away on January 11, 2016 after a lengthy illness. He was an excellent dog and our hearts ache with loss.

Kobe was the Chief DataDog on the Dataman Group Canine Staff. He took his career very seriously and never missed a day at the Dataman Group office

Kobe was very busy at work. His responsibilities ranged from meeting & greeting clients, supervision of all the DataDogs at mealtimes, accompanying Ed to the bank and on a wide array of errands as well as mail pickup & delivery.

As Chief DataDog, Kobe was in charge of the Dataman Group Canine Training Program. He truly imprinted his paw prints on Kaycee Filhaber, his sister, full-time companion and best friend and part-timer, Nadi Erasmous. Kobe was also mentoring and training our youngest DataDog, Dez Filhaber who we expect to assume some of Kobe’s duties in the Office.

Kobe was truly the Big Dog on campus. He was a handsome devil with a penchant for chasing birds, barking at the landscapers and blocking the­­­­­­­­­­ Dataman Group entry door. But there is no question that his favorite activity was being with Kaycee. They were together 24/7 – lying together on the floor mat in front of the door, strolling side-by-side on long walks, and sleeping together in bed curled up like 2 shrimp. We mourn alongside her.

The Dataman Group flag is at half-mast. We all miss him so much.

Kobe Filhaber - DataDog
Kobe Filhaber
