Focusing Marketing Dollars on Home Improvement Trends

March 17th, 2014 by

The Realty Website Zillow recently reported a survey for the home improvement industry which compared different spending habits based on seasons titled Home Improvement Trend and Spending Habits.

According to their findings, 40% of homeowners surveyed planned to do some sort of remodel during the winter months, down from 52% during the fall, and 60% during the summer with dollar spend amount significantly less in the winter.

The term that has been used to describe the lack of large projects during winter is being dubbed “The Santa Effect.” With holiday gift buying and parties, homeowners are cutting back on other expenses. The most common dollar amount planned to spend for winter projects was $450, compare that to spending of upward $4,501 during the fall.

Most of the respondents cite repairs as top reason to remodel, though almost 29 percent say they want to modernize their home for comfort and functionality.

With the long, cold winter months coming to an end, marketers should start to amp up their efforts to reach these potential new customers. Timing has proven to be just as crucial as the offer and call to action on marketing material, especially for this market.

Home Improvement marketers can focus their attention on homes by year built, home square footage, home value, disposable dollars, and presence of swimming pool (or not). A creative approach may include marketing to pre-natal families since they will be needing a nursery / more room for their growing family.

Many Home Improvement marketers focus on reaching out to those New Homeowners who bought Resales, since many of them will be upgrading their closets, garages, landscaping, and interiors.

In the Home Improvement Industry, lead generation is vital. Direct Mail and Telemarketing are still top mediums for lead generation.

Home improvement marketing trends