Direct Mail to Generation X

May 4th, 2015 by

Can  Direct Mail Campaign to Generation X and Y Succeed?

Absolutely – direct mail to Gen X and Gen Y can be highly successful. Both Generations X and Y respond very well to smart, action-focused direct mail campaigns that incorporate digital in with the traditional.

According to the Pew Report, 77% of Generation X and 63% of Generation Y consumers have purchased products via direct mail. The notion that today’s young adults don’t respond well to direct mail marketing couldn’t be further from the truth.

There are a couple of things to remember when creating a responsive direct mail campaign targeting Gen X and Gen Y. First, Gen X and Gen Y both grew up during times of economic prosperity and large-scale recession. Because of this, they’re often skeptical of an offer’s value and need a strong incentive to buy. Because of this skepticism, these cohorts tend to “stalk products” and research before buying.

That’s why businesses with an active Facebook Page or Twitter account need to make sure they include these URL/addresses in their mailers since Gen X and Gen Y-ers will check out these sites during their pre-buying research phase.

One more note – Gen X and Gen Y-ers are skeptics. Therefore, a smart campaign should present a great product demonstration. Or, you may emphasize the offer’s security factor, possibly offering a money-back guarantee.

Direct mail lists can definitely target Gen X and Gen Y households. In this case, the response rests on the nuance of the creative and the offer and the integration the digital component.