Dataman Group Participates in FDMA Non-Profit Program

October 17th, 2008 by

I participated in the Florida Direct Marketing Association / FDMA Non-Profit program today. The other speakers were Andy Rose from the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County and Cliff Spitz from Convio. They were highly effective presenters who really knew their business!

Andy discussed the results from the Federation’s Direct Mail campaigns for the past 3 years. This campaign generated $300,000 in 2005. He also explained how the dollars had declined during the next 2 years. In some part, this was due to marketing timing caused by Hurricane Wilma and the War in Lebanon. He further explained how he decided to chase the direct mail with a telemarketing campaign. By using a call center in Israel, he broadened the giving window and increased the dollars for that campaign. The campaign reached a new high $350,000, from fewer donors. The Federation has increased viewer-ship on its website and has had great response to on-line invitations. It has not yet gotten to the point where e-philanthropy plays a big role in it’s fund raising efforts.


Cliff moved the discussion towards e-philanthropy. He uses interactive marketing to interface with the more traditional direct mail and telemarketing. This is how he suggests broadening the donor base. He supports creating a dialogue, expanding e-mail address capture, providing viral marketing opportunities and offering some real CRM tools. He also relies on e-zines and on-line newsletters.

Many nationally recognized non-profits have been experiencing great response with on-line giving and e-philanthropy. Non-profits of all sizes can benefit from a professionally created presence on the web.

The FDMA non-profit program was well attending by members of FANO , the Florida Association of Non-Profits.

At Dataman Group, we work with non-profits to help them increase their direct mail & telemarketing outreach. We recommend using targeted compiled lists and overlaying their current donor files with demographic and property information to increase giving. At Dataman Group, we are always willing to help non-profits reach their goals. We are proud to offer discounted pricing on list rentals to help their bottom lines.

Call the Dataman Group office at (800) 771-3282; visit the non-profit section of our website.
