Solar Energy companies need to market and they are always looking for solid leads for solar.
We do not offer a list of homeowners who have raised their hands and said “I want a Solar Energy System for my home and I want it installed next week and I’m paying cash.” There is no such list. Anyone who tells you they have a list of these people is pulling your leg.
We provide top quality prospect lists, where we customize a list to match your specific needs. Ask us about a real list of environmentally conscious credit-worthy homeowners. Lists are available for mail, phone and email.
A report published by GTM research put the cost of customer acquisition in the US solar market at $0.49 per watt. If the average size of a residential solar installation in America is 5 KW then the average cost of attracting a new customer in the residential solar market in America is around $2,500.00.
How are you generating new solar prospects?
Solar Companies who reach out to Eco-Conscious Homeowners generate high ROI. These established Homeowners have a proven track record in believing in and buying Green products & services. They are great prospects for a Solar system in their home. Based on their own requirements, Solar companies can refine our Green Homeowner list by selecting home value, equity in home, credit worthiness and discretionary spending ability in addition to homeowner age, income and family size.
New Homeowners are another key group. They expect to be in their new home for years and understand that an investment in their new home will pay off. With many of the lease-to-own, Solar Loan and Purchase Power programs, marketing to New Homeowners is a winning proposition. Week-after-week, month-after-month, successful Solar companies all across the country use our New Homeowner & New Connect Lists to get new customers as soon as they move into town!