Izzy Erasmous is a part-time Data Dog at Dataman Group
Izzy is Dez’s twin sister and favorite litter mate. She is also a labmaraner. To date, her Dataman Group office experience has been limited. This is because when she & Data Dez get together they are absolutely crazy. And, in terms of getting anything accomplished at work, they become absolutely useless.
Her good nature and ability to high jump in place make her a stand out. She is also enamored with small mammals. When Data Dale feeds the birds, Izzy stands watch at the bird feeders. She is hoping for squirrels to come by and play. Certainly, more than we do.
Izzy Erasmous is a part-time Data Dog at Dataman Group, since she lives in Miami. When she is here, she is happy to stand by the Dataman Group fence. This is where she welcomes visitors with her happy bark when they come to the office door.
She has also been known to do backwards somersaults when the UPS man comes!
A Note about Labraraners
The Labraraner is also be known as a Weimador
The Labmaraner is a hybrid breed and is a mix between a Labrador Retriever and a Weimaraner. They are lively, intelligent and active dogs much like both parent breeds. These dogs are well-built and muscular, and will need a lot of exercise. They will love going for walks, jogging and swimming in summer. Common colors can include grey, brown, yellow, silver and black and their coats are glossy and short and easy to maintain. The breed can have grey eyes, blue-grey or amber.