Medicare Open Enrollment Marketing

October 7th, 2019 by

Each year I seem to write about Medicare open enrollment marketing. For members of the Insurance sector, Open Enrollment season is coming up fast. For the 2023 season, Open Enrollment runs October 15th to December 7th, 2022.

This is a crazy, competitive time for everyone in the insurance and financial services market.

This is the big questions for insurance agents. How are you differentiating your agency and the services you provide from the big guys who are taking out full page ads and super bowl commercials?

Or – are you?

In today’s NY Times, there was an article by Mark Miller. It talked about the options that individuals have during open enrollment period.

He strongly suggested that everyone re-evaluate their prescription drug coverage. Doesn’t matters if it’s a stand-alone Part D plan, or wrapped into an Advantage plan.

What I found really bothersome about his article, was that he directed people to the Medicare Plan Finder.  He called the Plan Finder “troublesome”. That’s due to the fact that it provides confusing navigation and incomplete or incorrect information. I quoted that. Troublesome – hmm. That doesn’t bode well.

What he did not suggest was for people to find their local insurance agent. This is the person who can review and interpret the latest plan changes to them.

Marketing Now is Key

As a marketer, I advocate that insurance agents need to reach out and find the people in their area that can use their services. This is especially important when it comes to medicare open enrollment marketing.

Given that there is some much confusion each year with regard to the latest health insurance options, it’s no wonder that people are confused.

In that case, it’s absolutely imperative that any insurance agent who wants to increase their business market to the age 65+ market, especially the turning 65, 66 and 67 who need their services. This is your chance to demonstrate your knowledge and concern. And honesty.

NOW is the time for medicare open enrollment marketing. This is a key time to ­­­­prospect for new clients. These are clients who can last a lifetime with your agency!

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