Milestone Birthday mailing lists offers an advertiser an effective way to reach people at specific times in their lives that trigger purchasing behavior. We all know that people Turning 65 are prime targets for Supplemental Medical Insurance and financial planning offers, but did you know that people Turning 50 are great Long Term Care prospects?
While Milestone Birthday mailing lists may be small in quantity, they deliver a big response.
The key is selecting a highly targeted, very accurate list of individuals by month & year of birth, putting together a great marketing piece and mailing it at the right time.
Great marketing pieces include birthday cards and letters with testimonials. The mail piece needs to stand out – unique size, colorful or textured envelopes, creative font.
An Example of a Unique Milestone Birthday Mailing
I know of a cemetery who mailed an amazing virtual reality piece to people turning 67. The goal of the mailer was to drive pre-need sales. Pre-need means buying a cemetery plot and/or funeral for the future. Typically, a pre-need arrangement can run anywhere from $3,500 for a simple cremation – $40,000 for a double mausoleum. So, this is not a cheap sale.
This also means that you can’t send out a cheap mailer. The mail piece folded in a tight sleeve and delivered to a very select group from our milestone birthday mailing list. The recipient was instructed to take the mailer out of it’s sleeve, then assemble it. This became a cardboard VR glass headset. But here’s the cool part. It was pre-loaded with views of the cemetery. This way, you can look into the glasses and feel as though you are right there. You can look around and choose your cemetery plot. Want to be under a tree? Look left. Want a view of a lake for posterity. No problem – you can search for that with your VR glasses as well. Needless to say, this VR glasses mailer was unforgettable. It generated many calls to the cemetery, resulting in several sales.