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Facts about the Long-Term Care Market

  • Seniors represent the fastest growing age group in the United States. It is projected that the 75+ population will increase 70 percent by 2025.
  • At least 70% of people over 65 will need long-term care services and support at some point in their live
  • The average length of a nursing home stay is 835 days—or more than two years
  • At a median daily rate of $240, an average nursing home stay of 835 days currently costs over $200,000, making it virtually unaffordable for many Americans.
  • Alzheimer’s disease and dementia alone afflict four million Americans, a figure expected to increase 350 percent by 2050 if no cure is found.
  • By 2040, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services predict a 250 percent increase in government spending alone.
  • Approximately 16,000 licensed nursing facilities in the United States serve 1.4 million residents.
  • The number of seniors living in assisted living residences is 800,000.
  • The number of Americans residing in continuing care retirement communities is 725,000.
  • Adult day centers provide care for 150,000 older Americans each day.
  • The majority of long-term care facilities provide multiple levels of care services.
  • By the year 2020, 12 million older Americans will require long-term care services.

Source: Long-Term Care Management magazine / 2019 Medicare & You, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Direct Mail

Direct mail is considered the most trusted marketing medium. People can hold it and take their time to read it. The printed word still carries tremendous respect and value. A survey by Marketing Sherpa  found that 76% of consumers trust direct mail when they want to make a purchasing decision. This is way more than digital channels.

Direct mail marketing is becoming more popular and more effective with each year. We all know what our in-boxes look like. As digital marketing channels become increasingly crowded, traditional advertising channels present a real opportunity for companies. This way their messages can stand out.

Plus, direct mail boasts a high level of engagement. It delivers tangible collateral that improves your chances of catching the eye of your ideal customers.