In terms of lead nurturing for financial advisors, the New Parent list offers a monthly hotline, which means that each month, your new associate receives the list of the new births in your area, giving them on on-going lead source that allows them to consistently reach out to new prospects.

If your Financial Planning firm specializes in helping individuals reach their long term goals and, has the right people in place, Parents of New Babies may become a very profitable group for your agency.

Parents of New Babies  – List Select Options

  • Home ownership
  • Estimated Household Income
  • Parent age
  • Dwelling unit type
  • First Birth (where available)
  • Number of months since birth
  • Birth month / birth year
  • Monthly Hotline – providing new prospects every month

All data with telephone #s are scrubbed against the national DoNotCall list.

BTW – This is a great group for a free 30 Minute Financial Report Card offer. This is a great example of an offer that begins the lead nurturing process.