There are 7,183,062 Hispanic Homeowners in the U.S. And, the number continues to increase each month.
You can reach this key market segment with Dataman Group’s Hispanic Homeowners list.
You can pinpoint your prospects by selecting age, income, length of residence, presence of children, home value, and year built. Mortgage & refinance information is also available on this file.
This is the only list of it’s kind that allows you to select Hispanic First Time Home Buyer prospects or Hispanic Mortgage Refinance Lead lists. Consequently, because of the increase in Hispanic home ownership in the U.S., our Hispanic Homeowner list is one of the hottest list commodities available.
I read the reports from the National Association of Latino Real Estate Professionals. Latinos were the only demographic group that increased its rate of home ownership for three consecutive years.
About Hispanic Homeowners – from the 2019 State of Hispanic Wealth Report:
- Hispanics are leading home ownership growth in America.
- For the fourth consecutive year, Hispanics increased their rate of home ownership. In 2018 reaching a rate of 47.1 percent.
- In 2018, Latinos added 362,000 homeowners. This is the highest number of owner households added for Latinos since 2005.
- Hispanics have achieved marked gains in home ownership rates, despite housing inventory shortages. In 2017, Hispanics saw the third consecutive year of income growth. This was the highest of any demographic.
- Latinos also account for nearly 75% of the net increase in US Home Ownership.
- Between 2016 and 2017, Hispanics increased their real median income by 3.7 percent.
- Latino families making an annual income over $200,000 increased from 2.1 percent in 2011 to 3.8 percent in 2017.
- The percentage of Latino millionaires more than doubled between 2013 and 2016.
- 39 percent of Hispanic wealth is derived from home equity.
- Hispanics are in a strong position to reach a 50 percent Hispanic home ownership rate by 2024.