Q: In what age category do you have the greatest number of email addresses?

A: We have over 220 million opted-in email addresses. The education vertical is significant for us (ages 18-24), but the greatest number would be our 24-55 age group.

Q: What is your average response rate for an email campaigns?

A: On average, our data performs at 10-15% open rate with a click-to-open rate of 10-20% of the total amount sent. The conversion rates are truly determined by the offer and the “call to action”.  The most effective way to realize your ROI, is by doing a match-back. We do match-backs for many of our clients by using their transactional information.

Permission-Based Email Deployment Solutions

When tailoring a list for a client, we evaluate a number of factors, such as selecting the right data based on your unique needs, message, and targets. In addition, we evaluate each list by determining its mailing frequency and past performance to optimize your overall results. Our data acquisition team continuously explores new relationships, services and selection capabilities to keep our 90+ million opt-in records fresh and responsive.

RESPONSIVE & DELIVERABLE DATA is what makes our E-data different

  • Deliverability – We guarantee 100% delivery of your email deployment campaign. If a message is bounced back, it will be replaced with a valid deliverable address immediately.
  • Pristine Data Hygiene – Daily scrubs and weekly passes of our data are done through the ECOA (email change of address).
  • Largest data variable selects in the marketplace – You have hundreds of selects to choose from. These include Age, Income, Location, even specific Interests and Lifestyle Profiles. We can help you target your best prospects.
  • True CAN-SPAM Compliance – We use 100% guaranteed opt-in lists.
  • Real Time-Online Tracking-Our clients can now benefit from real-time online tracking. This provides total transparency of delivery. We guarantee 100% delivery of our proprietary email deployment campaigns. We can test, deploy and track a campaign all in the same day! Ask us to email you a sample of our Tracking Report.


Pricing for an E-mail List Rental & Email Deployment Program varies, depending on the complexity of the list.

While the advertiser typically provides their own html ad, creative services are always available. Want some Helpful Tips on creating your HTML Ad?

For more information on this, call the Dataman Group office ask speak to DataDale or DataScott.