It’s Not About You

This is not about you. This call is about your Prospect . Think of them as the star of the show. Your call is about them.

Be genuine. You are trying to learn a little about them. Ask them what types of policies they currently have. Find out how they are benefitting from these policies. Show that you care.

Listen to what they say. This is your fact finding time. Don’t argue, don’t pass judgement. Just listen and take notes as needed.

What you are doing with your cold calling campaign for insurance is working your targeted list of prospects and trying to qualify them as warm leads.

Creating Your  Cold Calling Script

You have a very limited window of opportunity, so you need to make sure you have your pitch ready.  You are already interrupting them so you need to get straight to the point in under two minutes.

Remember the expression elevator pitch? The reason it’s called an elevator pitch is that it runs about the time of an elevator ride. Figure this runs between 30 seconds to 2 minutes max.  And, since you’re available time is so short, you’ll want to practice your script until it just rolls off your tongue!

You have 4 segments to include in your pitch:

        1. Engaging opening to draw in your prospects
        2. Sentence to address the problems your Prospect may be facing
        3. What kind of Insurance you can offer them to solve their problem
        4. How your policies are better than their existing ones

Think about the answers to these questions. You need to create your own competitive advantage. Remember, there are lots of insurance companies out there and thousands of agents. Why should they buy from you?

Example – Homeowners Insurance Script

Many agents use a Homeowner X-Date list as the basis for their calling.

Agent:  Hi, Mr. Jones. This is Dale Filhaber from Dataman insurance. I noticed that your Homeowner Insurance is coming up for renewal. I was wondering if you need some help getting your home covered.

Prospect: I already have insurance for my house. So, I’m really not interested.

Agent: I see. There are actually several types of home coverage plans out there. Out of curiosity, which one did you get?

Prospect:  Says name of policy

Agent: I see. Did you know that your policy actually doesn’t cover X (share a disadvantage about their policy). I know something that can help you beef up the coverage of your home.

If the prospect rejects you, just thank them nicely for their time and leave your contact information, just in case. Assure them that you are there to provide a free consultation if they ever need it. For any insurance policy, even if it wasn’t bought from you.

Example – Health Insurance Script

When trying to sell health insurance, age plays an important role.   Prospects in the early stages of their life very often don’t consider purchasing a health insurance plan for one simple reason – they’re still young. It just isn’t their priority. So how do you pitch to someone who’s in their mid-20s to 30s? The key here is to play down the upfront costs and focus on the long term benefits.

Agent: Hi, Mr. Jones. This is Dale Filhaber from Dataman Insurance. I understand you’re in your 20’s, right?  (ask to have their MM/YY of birth output on your targeted prospect list)

Prospect: Yes, I am. What’s this about?

Agent: I’m just calling to check if you have a health insurance plan. Do you know if you have one?

Prospect: No I don’t.  And I’m not interested

Agent: I see. Can I ask why?

Prospect: I really don’t know what’s in it for me. And they’re too expensive.

Agent:  I understand where you’re coming from.  Did you know that health insurance plans are best to get when you’re young and have the least health issues?  This means you pay the least possible to get the most coverage.

Example – Turning 65 Medicare Supplement Script

Many insurance agents buy Turning 65 lists. Most prospect for Medicare Supplement sales by mail. Others still use cold calling as one of their canvassing methods.  The most important thing to remember when cold calling Medicare Supplement prospects is that you cannot cold call Advantage or Part D plans.

Agents must strictly only cold call Medicare Supplement plans.  A good call script should be short and to the point and should not sound formal.  You are simply calling to see if the prospect wants to learn more about their options.

If you call people that are within 1 to 3 months of their 65th birthday, you may have a tough time trying to sign prospective clients.  These people are already getting bombarded with both calls and mail.  It is usually more productive to call people that will turn 65 during the next 6 to 12 months. These people are probably not being solicited as much.

Try This:

 Agent: Hi, Mr. Jones. This is Dale Filhaber from Dataman Insurance. Congratulations – I see you’ll be turning 65 in June. The reason I’m calling is that I’m reaching out to all people turning 65 in the next year because of the transition into Social Security and Medicare.

Prospect: Yeah. I’ve gotten a lot of calls and a lot of mail about this.

Agent: I’m sure you have. But just so you know, we are different.  We’ve been doing this a long time. We just want to introduce ourselves, talk a little bit about social security, Medicare, and Medicare supplements. Signing up for everything is a bit of a process.  And we’re here to make is easier for you.

Prospect: Why should I use you?

Agent: Believe me, I understand that this is a big point in your life. Our agency is in your area; we have an A+ BBB rating. And, when it comes to Supplemental Medicare insurance, we know the ins and outs of all the different choices. We know what is covered and what isn’t.  Do you have 15-20 minutes?

What is the success rate of cold calling?

A reasonable cold call success rate is 1-2%, according to sales statistics on cold calling. This may look like a low conversion. However, the truth is that cold calling is still a valid, viable cost-effective means to generate solid leads. Remember, your cold calling list is also an important part of the equation. Make sure you get the best scrubbed list available. The more targeted your list, the better your response will be.

Does cold calling really work?

Yes, cold calling really works, according to cold calling statistics. Buyers find some cold calls a useful part of their purchase journey. Bottom line, cold calls are a proven way to increase your prospect base and add warm leads into your funnel. The key is to develop a solid cold calling script for insurance and practice it!