We offer Seller Carry Back lists and Cash Flow Notes that help you buy and sell notes. A small investment in your Cash Flow Business can bring you thousands of dollars in profits!
Our Private Note Holders lists let you reach out to individuals holding notes secured by real property. This lists lets you reach out to prospects who may be willing to sell you their notes.
You may select all Private Note Holders or select out either the Seller Carry Backs or Non-Seller Carry Backs. In a Seller Carry Back situation, the seller is also holding the note on the property. A Non-Seller Carry Back loan is still made by a private individual, but this person (most likely a relative or friend) was not the original seller – but is still holding the note. You never know when they may be ready to sell their notes, that’s why it’s important to mail to them on a continuous basis.
Our seller carry back lists and private note holder lists include note amount, note date, lender type, lender location and property location. You can use either one for your Cash Out Refinance business.
Telephone #s are also available for a small portion of the file, at an additional charge. All our telephone #s are scrubbed against federal, state and DMA Do Not Call lists. A federal SAN is required for any list with telephone #s in accordance with FTC regulations.
500 | $150 |
1,000 | $250 |
2,000 | $350 |
3,000 | $450 |
4,000 | $550 |
5,000 | $650 |
Plus output costs & shipping. Telephone #s are additional.
Ask us about same Day E-Mail Delivery!
Let us know if you want the list in excel or formatted in an avery label format so you can print your own labels.
*** Monthly, non-duplicating Hotline Data is also available for on-going programs.