Different newsletters highlight different programs. However, they keep the format of the newsletter consistent.  What they found is that recipients began to get used to the different support groups and departments that Palomar Health District offers.

Then, they focused the copy seasonally. Depending on the time of year, the newsletters may highlight different things. Jan/Feb featured starting healthy for the New Year. April/May focused on Speech & Hearing month. July/August focused on TIAs.

Hospital & Healthcare marketing


Palomar can benefit from mailing to a list that includes several segments. New Movers was one of the key lists in healthcare marketing. Ailment Sufferers, including weight loss prospects, visually impaired and diabetics was another important group. Parents of New Babies, also important since their newsletter features classes and advice for these populations.

Continuity and repetition is important.  Certainly, everything depends on budget & circulation size.

Takeaway from the hospital case study:

Hospitals need to take advantage of seasonal changes for two reasons. First, to motivate prospective customers to shift their behavior. Second, to offer consistent messaging to improve branding.  Hospitals need to develop a core mail audience in their market and continually add new prospects into that group. This includes adding new movers and parents of new babies to keep the list “fresh”.

Thank you to Paul Bobnak, from Target Marketing for bringing Palomar Health’s direct mailer to my attention!


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