Financial planners can differentiate themselves when they use milestone birthday lists. This way, they can reach out to very specific people with a very special message.
There are many different categories of financial planning prospects. Financial Planners, Advisors, Stock Brokers and Estate Planners have many unique options they can consider for their marketing campaigns.
This particular article focuses on a unique concept that works very well for financial marketers – milestone birthday marketing. With Milestone Birthday marketing, you can focus on reaching top financial planning prospects at an opportune time. And, stand out from the crowd.
Milestone Birthday Marketing
We also know that Milestone Birthday Marketing is a very responsive financial planning prospect program that allows planners to send out small monthly mailings to key age groups:
- Turning 59 1/2
- Individuals Turning 65
- Turning 72 1/2
Continuity is key. Milestone birthday mailings need to happen every month like clockwork. Mail going out means leads coming in. This type of program needs to be consistent. It is an easy project to assign to a new hire or intern.
While individual monthly mail quantities may be insignificant, as a whole this group is massive.
Append Date of Birth Data to Create More Robust Financial Planning Prospects
Financial advisors, stock brokers and foundations should have the month/year of birth for everyone in their client database. If you don’t, this information can be appended to your file, along with lots of other data. This enables you to contact your prospects with the right message at the right time