Financial Planners use Turning 72 1/2 birthday lists

These turning 72 ½ prospects are not only great prospects for financial advisors, but also for charities and foundations looking for legacy gifts.

The first of wave of baby boomers hit this milestone last July. Those oldest boomers, born at the start of 1946, turned 72 ½ in this summer and will be followed at the rate of 10,000 people per day for the next 18 years. When financial planners use these milestone birthday lists, they can use creative messaging that can be educational, funny or poignant,

Just a footnote on the Turning 72 1/2. This is the time that people who have not put their plans in place get serious about their retirement strategies. They start to think about legacy, charitable giving and business succession planning. They must also consider how to actually handle their Required Minimum Distributions. After all, failure to withdraw the RMD on time could result in a 50 percent penalty. They need to be hand-held. They need to be nurtured. NOTE: The RMD age was raised to 73 in 2023 through the Secure 2.0 Act.

Call our office at (800) 771-3282.  We can tell you more about our Milestone Birthday programs, Data Appending, and monthly hotline lists of new homeowners.

NOTE:  if your firm has young partners trying to make their own book of clients, consider our Parents of Young Children lists. This might be a great list of financial planning prospects for them. Have them read this article about lead nurturing parents of new babies.

BTW:  Have you ever used the 30 Minute Financial Report card as an offer in your direct mail?